Star Wars: TFID #2 By the Council´s Will
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Almost all the initiates of the Porg clan did a good job in their lightsaber training class. Except for Spir and Ahsoka, who were prevented by a distraction from being precise.
Master Yoda, not knowing why, offers to leave the Jedi temple and Coruscant to meditate, and clear their minds.Ahsoka and Spir agree knowing that their master has great influence on the Jedi High Council, who decide to give them permission to do so.
Meanwhile, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi have to continue their diplomatic mission trying to convince King Sha-Mar Ma-Dred of Kashir.
Anakin is concerned that the night before, his first wife, Ashala, had stolen his gun and made sexual advances to him. Obi-Wan, knowing this, tells him that the council trusts them to make said government join the republic.
So no matter what, he commands her to follow two simple rules, take care of her lightsaber and obey the wife.
Ashala casually overhears Master Kenobi’s demands and uses it to her advantage.As soon as the Jedi Master leaves with her husband, she orders the security guards to go take care of the other wives. Tiarri, Kheann and Mirrix.
Now the young Jedi is exclusively for her, who is going to use all the potential to enjoy what the king is not able to give him, a heated New Year’s night for the satisfaction of his sexual demands.
Anakin agrees by commitment, but aware that when he sees Padmé Amidala again, he will need experience, at least for the first time.
Ashala is empathetic within everything, and gives you directions on how to treat a woman.
Anakin penetrates her in various ways. When Ashala climbs on his legs, the wobbling movement makes him finish without being able to hold it, although Ashala manages to bring her mouth first so that there are no traces of semen in the room.
Finally, the Jedi Council decides that the initiates undertake their retreat outside the temple. Ahsoka will go to Cerea with Master Ki-Adi-Mundi, and Spir with Aayla Secura to Naboo.